Ground-water contamination and movement at the Defense General Supply Center, Richmond, Virginia

The report documents the efforts of the USGS in support of the quantification phase of the IRP to determine the degree of contamination of a site that has been identified as requiring study. The report describes the extent, concentration, direction, and rate of movement of contaminants in ground water beyond the boundaries of the DGSC. Hydrologic and geologic data were collected during 1984-90 from wells located upgradient from the DGSC, upgradient from the Area 50 landfill located on the DGSC, in the landfill, in the National Guard Area (NGA) downgradient from the landfill, and downgradient from the NGA beyond the eastern boundary of the DGSC. Lithologic data were collected during drilling of wells installed downgradient of the NGA by the USGS during 1984-86. Water from wells located downgradient of the NGA was analyzed for volatile-organic compounds, major cations and anions, priority-pollutant trace metals, and total organic carbon. Aquifer-test wells were installed by the USGS and aquifer testing was performed during 1985.