Aktionsplan Auerhuhn Tetrao urogallus im Schwarzwald: Ein integratives Konzept zum Erhalt einer überlebensfähigen Population

Confining biodiversity conservation to protected areas can be insufficient in human-dominated landscapes, particularly when aiming at the conservation of species with specific habitat requirements covering large expanses. Such species can often only persist in a metapopulation structure, which requires an extensive network of functionally interacting sites to ensure persistence, dynamics and connectivity of the population. The Capercaillie is strongly affected by habitat loss and fragmentation in Central Europe and has suffered from a century of severe population declines in the Black Forest (southwestern Germany). To countervail this trend, an area-wide action plan was developed; targeting the maintainance of a long-term viable population and addressing all causes known to play a role in the decline of the species. First, data from species monitoring and population genetics were used in combination with spatial modelling of habitat and habitat connectivity to identify and prioritize all areas relevant for long-term metapopulation persistence. The results provided the spatial framework for the action plan. Second, an extensive set of measures was defined, including habitat improvement, tourism management, predator control and guidelines for infrastructure development. The measures were developed based on scientific knowledge and practical experience in collaboration with all responsible stakeholder groups, which are also in part responsible for the implementation. The action plan is further complemented by training courses for practitioners, public relations, success control, species and habitat monitoring and research. By defining priority areas and measures for species conservation both inside and outside of the designated protected areas, the action plan provides a basis for integrating conservation aims in regular land use and landscape planning. Given the role of Capercaillie as an umbrella species, this concept is also expected to support overall biodiversity of the high montane regions of the Black Forest.

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