Evaluation framework Hadoop and Power View display in GPS Vehicle Trajectories

This article describes the evaluation of work Hadoop framework and complement Excel Power View through an experiment analyzing large volumes of information from GPS vehicle trajectories. In order to do a study to use Hadoop's own tools, USA dataset with information used trucks and their respective routes. This research was conducted in the following stages: 1) selection work environment where we see what are the best features and the need to work with Hadoop, 2) hardware to setup the environment and features for the analysis of GPS, 3) paths loading, analysis and visualization of results. Using Hive it is studied as a data store and the transformation of the tables to a format that facilitates ORC information processing. At the stage of data analysis it was used to perform MapReduce algorithms and PIG to make a risk assessment using SQL code conversions. Lastly displays and interprets the results with Power View a feature of Microsoft Excel 2013, which shows a map with GPS coordinates for all vehicles, where analysis techniques could conclude that 40% of accidents on the roads of EE California USA is caused by driver fatigue. For future work will proceed to generate GPS paths of the city of Guayaquil to determine patterns in their behavior.