Preparing for the 2015 Dietary Guidelines: Attributes of Refined Grains, Added Fibers, and Bran

Whole grains have become a prominent discussion point over the past few years. The 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee recommends that Americans “consume at least half of all grains as whole grains. Increase whole-grain intake by replacing refined grains with whole grains.” Although this recommendation may be achievable, in many cases it is interpreted to recommend modification of the diet by replacing all refined grains with whole grains, without consideration for the nutritional and culinary impact on diet and foods. The 2011 AACCI Annual Meeting Hot Topic session Preparing for the 2015 Dietary Guidelines: Attributes of Refined Grains, Added Fibers, and Bran provided an opportunity to explore the current scientific understanding of the nutritional and culinary value of non-whole grains, including refined grains, added fibers, and bran, in the diet. Speakers and session participants identified science gaps and research opportunities that might provide more information for use in deliberations for ...