Conical rocket nozzle performance under flow- separated conditions

The data points were next normalized for time variance by linear interpolation, and the calibration curve resulting from this data processing procedure is plotted as the dashed overlay curve of Fig. 3. A second digital computer program was written to reconstruct side force during the oscillatory portions of the flow program. The normalized calibration curve of Fig. 3 was programed for digital simulation; at any time point, then, the total pressure integral and reaction force variables were first defined. After normalizing the force integral to a consistent 500-psi chamber pressure and time adjusting, the computer determined the value of total side force diminished by the reaction force from Fig. 3. The final side force was obtained by summing the reaction force component to the previous calculation results. This routine was repeated at each of the remaining time points. Although the final internal aerodynamic frequency response shows a rapid amplitude attenuation at the higher frequencies, the LITVC system internal aerodynamic bandwidth is flat to 20 cps (see Fig. 4). Both phase and amplitude ratio parameters are characteristic of a first-order system with a 20-cps break frequency.