The Discount Rate: A Note on IAS 36

Abstract Entities reporting under IFRSs are required to determine a value in use in accordance with IAS 36: Impairment of Assets. The value in use is the present value of the expected future cash flows. Appendix A to the standard gives guidance on how to apply the DCF calculus in the context of IAS 36. In order to determine a suitable discount rate, the reporting entity is given the choice between three alternative starting points. The requirements of IAS 36 are, in this respect, quite different from the accounting requirements of US GAAP. In this paper we analyse these starting points and demonstrate the functional interrelation between them. Given that the interrelation is complex even under simple assumptions, we will provide guidance to practitioners as to which starting point should be used. We will demonstrate that the weighted average cost of capital (WACC) is the only suitable starting point. Based on this analysis, we also show that the other alternative starting points are not sufficiently clear. When used in practice, the guidance may even give rise to substantial measurement errors and make earnings management possible. Thus, our recommendation to the IASB is to shorten the guidance and delete the other two starting points.