High performance 100 nm T-gate strained Si/Si0.6Ge0.4 n-MODFET

Abstract 100 nm T-gate strained Si/Si 0.6 Ge 0.4 n-MODFETs have reached new record cut-off frequency f T of 74 GHz (105 GHz), with maximum oscillation frequency f max of 107 GHz (170 GHz) at temperatures 300 K (50 K). Moreover they show a low noise figure NF min of 0.4 dB and noise resistance R n of 52 Ω at 2.5 GHz and 300 K. The dependence of electric parameters and RF performances of the device on biases and temperature is presented. Experimental results are compared with physical simulations at short gate lengths to analyze carrier transport and further device optimization.