Motivated by an article by Ian Stewart (Defend the Roman Empire!, Scientific American, Dec. 1999, pp. 136-138), we explore a new strategy of defending the Roman Empire that has the potential of saving the Emperor Constantine the Great substantial costs of maintaining legions, while still defending the Roman Empire. In graph theoretic terminology, let G=(V,E) be a graph and let f be a function f:V->{0,1,2}. A vertex u with f(u)=0 is said to be undefended with respect to f if it is not adjacent to a vertex with positive weight. The function f is a weak Roman dominating function (WRDF) if each vertex u with f(u)=0 is adjacent to a vertex v with f(v)>0 such that the function f':V->{0,1,2}, defined by f'(u)=1, f'(v)=f(v)-1 and f'(w)=f(w) if [email protected]?V-{u,v}, has no undefended vertex. The weight of f is w(f)[email protected]?"v"@?"Vf(v). The weak Roman domination number, denoted @c"r(G), is the minimum weight of a WRDF in G. We show that for every graph G, @c(G)=<@c"r(G)=<[email protected](G). We characterize graphs G for which @c"r(G)[email protected](G) and we characterize forests G for which @c"r(G)[email protected](G).
Kellogg S. Booth,et al.
Dominating Sets in Chordal Graphs
SIAM J. Comput..
Peter J. Slater,et al.
Fundamentals of domination in graphs
Pure and applied mathematics.
I. Stewart.
Defend the Roman Empire
Jerzy Topp.
Graphs with unique minimum edge dominating sets and graphs with unique maximum independent sets of vertices
Discret. Math..
Stephen T. Hedetniemi,et al.
Roman domination in graphs
Discret. Math..
Michael A. Henning.
A characterization of Roman trees
Discuss. Math. Graph Theory.