Superfund's future : what will it cost? : a report to congress
1. Introduction 2. The Removal Program 3. The Remedial Program and the Current National Priorities List 4. Post-Construction Activities 5. The Size and Composition of the Future National Priorities List 6. Superfund Support Activities and Programs 7. The Future Cost of Superfund: FY 2000 through FY 2009 Appendix A: EPA Regional Offices Appendix B: FY 2000 Status of 52 Sites Proposed to the NPL as of the End of FY 1999 Appendix C: Data Sources Appendix D: RFF Data Collection Appendix E: Interviews Regarding Future NPL Sites Appendix F: Building Blocks of the RFF Future Cost Model Appendix G: The RFF Future Cost Model Appendix H: Supplementary Tables of Results Abbreviations and Acronyms Glossary of Terms Notes Index