Cortical afferents to the smooth-pursuit region of the macaque monkey’s frontal eye field

In primates, the frontal eye field (FEF) contains separate representations of saccadic and smooth-pursuit eye movements. The smooth-pursuit region (FEFsem) in macaque monkeys lies principally in the fundus and deep posterior wall of the arcuate sulcus, between the FEF saccade region (FEFsac) in the anterior wall and somatomotor areas on the posterior wall and convexity. In this study, cortical afferents to FEFsem were mapped by injecting retrograde tracers (WGA-HRP and fast blue) into electrophysiologically identified FEFsem sites in two monkeys. In the frontal lobe, labeled neurons were found mostly on the ipsilateral side in the (1) supplementary eye field region and lateral area F7; (2) area F2 along the superior limb of the arcuate sulcus; and (3) in the buried cortex of the arcuate sulcus extending along the superior and inferior limbs and including FEFsac and adjacent areas 8, 45, and PMv. Labeled cells were also found in the caudal periprincipal cortex (area 46) in one monkey. Labeled cells were found bilaterally in the frontal lobe in the deep posterior walls of the arcuate sulcus and postarcuate spurs and in cingulate motor areas 24 and 24c. In postcentral cortical areas all labeling was ipsilateral and there were two major foci of labeled cells: (1) the depths of the intraparietal sulcus including areas VIP, LIP, and PEa, and (2) the anterior wall and fundus of the superior temporal sulcus including areas PP and MST. Smaller numbers of labeled cells were found in superior temporal sulcal areas FST, MT, and STP, posterior cingulate area 23b, area 3a within the central sulcus, areas SII, RI, Tpt in the lateral sulcus, and parietal areas 7a, 7b, PEc, MIP, DP, and V3A. Many of these posterior afferent cortical areas code visual-motion (MT, MST, and FST) or visual-motion and vestibular (PP, VIP) signals, consistent with the responses of neurons in FEFsem and with the overall physiology and anatomy of the smooth-pursuit eye movement system.

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