Towards formal abstraction, modeling, and analysis of Single Event Transients at RTL

Soft errors due to Single Event Transients (SETs) have become one of the most challenging issues that impact the reliability of modern microelectronic systems at terrestrial altitudes. This is mainly due to the progressive shrinking of device sizes. Traditionally, the analysis of SETs has been carried out by simulations and experimental analysis. However, these techniques are resource hungry and require full details of the design structure and SET characteristics. This paper develops a hierarchical framework for formal analysis of SET propagation by (1) introducing Register Transfer Level (RTL) abstraction and modeling approaches of the underlying behavior of SET propagation using Multiway Decision Graphs (MDGs); and (2) investigating SET propagation conditions at RTL using a formal model checker. In order to illustrate the practical utilization of our work, e have analyzed different RTL combinational designs. Experimental results demonstrate the proposed framework is orders of magnitude faster than other comparable contemporary techniques. Moreover, for the first time, a decision graph based technique s developed to analyze multiplier designs.

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