Renewing ​ ​ Research ​ ​ on ​ ​ Problemistic ​

​ on ​ ​ Problemistic ​ ​ Search ABSTRACT Problemistic search theory, with its roots in the Carnegie School tradition, describes a behaviorally plausible process by which firms learn from performance feedback. A firm’s recognition of performance below aspirations leads to search for a solution to the problem, resulting in change intended to restore performance to the aspired level. The concept of problemistic search has diffused broadly in the management literature — it is a central theoretical concept in a broad variety of organizational theories, and an important explanation of a wide variety of organizational behaviors and outcomes. We review the literature and argue that the development of the theory has not kept pace with the breadth of the unfolding literature. We identify six critical issues with extant research that can be traced back to a continued (over) reliance on the initial conceptualization of problemistic search. To address these issues and to revitalize research, we propose a research agenda premised on a more central role for cognition in the ​ ​ theory ​ ​ and

[1]  John M. Mezias,et al.  Effects of functional focus on bounded momentum: Examining firm- and industry-level alliances , 2018 .

[2]  Ronald Klingebiel Risk-type preference shifts in response to performance feedback , 2018 .

[3]  Marius T.H. Meeus,et al.  Contradictory yet Coherent? Inconsistency in Performance Feedback and R&D Investment Change , 2018 .

[4]  Ryan Krause,et al.  Ready, Set, Slow: How Aspiration-Relative Product Quality Impacts the Rate of New Product Introduction , 2017 .

[5]  J. Joseph,et al.  The Growth of the Firm: An Attention-Based View , 2017 .

[6]  Markku V. J. Maula,et al.  Driven by aspirations, but in what direction? Performance shortfalls, slack resources, and resource-consuming vs. resource-freeing organizational change , 2017 .

[7]  P. Bromiley,et al.  Is R&D risky? , 2017 .

[8]  Mooweon Rhee,et al.  Structural and Behavioral Antecedents of Change , 2017 .

[9]  Rene M. Bakker,et al.  Pull the plug or take the plunge: Multiple opportunities and the speed of venturing decisions in the Australian mining industry , 2017 .

[10]  D. Martignoni,et al.  Consequences of Misspecified Mental Models: Contrasting Effects and the Role of Cognitive Fit , 2016 .

[11]  Jeongsik Lee,et al.  The Quest for Originality: A New Typology of Knowledge Search and Breakthrough Inventions , 2016 .

[12]  John Joseph,et al.  Organizational Structure and Performance Feedback: Centralization, Aspirations and Termination Decisions , 2016, Organ. Sci..

[13]  Zella King,et al.  What do I want? The effects of individual aspiration and relational capability on collaboration preferences , 2016 .

[14]  Z. Shapira,et al.  Entering New Markets: The Effect of Performance Feedback Near Aspiration and Well Below and Above it , 2016 .

[15]  Vinit M. Desai,et al.  The Behavioral Theory of the (Governed) Firm: Corporate Board Influences on Organizations’ Responses to Performance Shortfalls , 2016 .

[16]  Turanay Caner,et al.  New product introductions below aspirations, slack and R&D alliances: A behavioral perspective , 2016 .

[17]  B. C. Rudy,et al.  Performance, Aspirations, and Market Versus Nonmarket Investment , 2016 .

[18]  V. Desai Under the Radar: Regulatory Collaborations and their Selective Use to Facilitate Organizational Compliance , 2016 .

[19]  David Maslach,et al.  Change and persistence with failed technological innovation , 2016 .

[20]  Henrich R. Greve,et al.  Short- and Long-Term Performance Feedback and Absorptive Capacity , 2015 .

[21]  Sougata Ray,et al.  International Search Behavior of Business Group Affiliated Firms: Scope of Institutional Changes and Intragroup Heterogeneity , 2015, Organ. Sci..

[22]  Daniel A. Levinthal,et al.  Mental Representation and the Discovery of New Strategies , 2015 .

[23]  Pino G. Audia,et al.  Self-Assessment, Self-Enhancement, and the Choice of Comparison Organizations for Evaluating Organizational Performance , 2015 .

[24]  R. Bettis,et al.  Adaptive Aspirations and Performance Heterogeneity: Attention Allocation Among Multiple Reference Points , 2015 .

[25]  Ha Hoang,et al.  Unpacking experience effects in developing novel products for new markets , 2015 .

[26]  A. Nerkar,et al.  Fail Often, Fail Big, and Fail Fast? Learning from Small Failures and R&D Performance in the Pharmaceutical Industry , 2015 .

[27]  Gokhan Ertug,et al.  Who shall get more? How intangible assets and aspiration levels affect the valuation of resource providers , 2015 .

[28]  Mooweon Rhee,et al.  Great Vessels Take a Long Time to Mature: Early Success Traps and Competences in Exploitation and Exploration , 2015, Organ. Sci..

[29]  Robert E. Ployhart,et al.  The Microfoundations Movement in Strategy and Organization Theory , 2015 .

[30]  Christine M. Beckman,et al.  Knowing Your Place: Social Performance Feedback in Good Times and Bad Times , 2014, Organ. Sci..

[31]  John Joseph,et al.  The Fog of Feedback: Ambiguity and Firm Responses to Multiple Aspiration Levels , 2014 .

[32]  Sydney Finkelstein,et al.  All Aspirations are not Created Equal: The Differential Effects of Historical and Social Aspirations on Acquisition Behavior , 2014 .

[33]  Vinit M. Desai,et al.  Learning Through the Distribution of Failures within an Organization: Evidence from Heart Bypass Surgery Performance , 2014 .

[34]  Jared D. Harris,et al.  A comparison of alternative measures of organizational aspirations , 2014 .

[35]  Maurizio Zollo,et al.  The Dimensions of Experiential Learning in the Management of Activity Load , 2014, Organ. Sci..

[36]  Elizabeth N. K. Lim,et al.  Performance Feedback and Firm Risk Taking: The Moderating Effects of CEO and Outside Director Stock Options , 2014, Organ. Sci..

[37]  Linus Dahlander,et al.  One Foot in, One Foot Out: How Does Individuals’ External Search Breadth Affect Innovation Outcomes? , 2013 .

[38]  Brian T. McCann,et al.  The influence of relative values of outside director stock options on firm strategic risk from a multiagent perspective , 2013 .

[39]  Georg von Krogh,et al.  CROSSROADS - Identifying Viable "Need-Solution Pairs": Problem Solving Without Problem Formulation , 2013, Organ. Sci..

[40]  Michael K. Bednar,et al.  Burr Under the Saddle: How Media Coverage Influences Strategic Change , 2013, Organ. Sci..

[41]  J. Barney,et al.  What Are Microfoundations? , 2013 .

[42]  H. Greve Microfoundations of Management: Behavioral Strategies and Levels of Rationality in Organizational Action , 2013 .

[43]  Jungpil Hahn,et al.  Momentum and Organizational Risk Taking: Evidence from the National Football League , 2013, Manag. Sci..

[44]  Gokhan Ertug,et al.  Getting What You Need: How Reputation and Status Affect Team Performance, Hiring, and Salaries in the NBA , 2013 .

[45]  Karin Hoisl,et al.  Knowledge Recombination Across Technological Boundaries: Scientists vs. Engineers , 2013, Manag. Sci..

[46]  Christina Fang,et al.  When Bad News is Sugar-Coated: Information Distortion, Organizational Search and the Behavioral Theory of the Firm , 2013 .

[47]  S. Winter Habit, Deliberation, and Action: Strengthening the Microfoundations of Routines and Capabilities , 2013 .

[48]  Stephan Billinger,et al.  Search on Rugged Landscapes: An Experimental Study , 2013, Organ. Sci..

[49]  K. Dirks,et al.  Microfoundations of strategic problem formulation , 2013 .

[50]  Morten T. Hansen,et al.  Faking It or Muddling Through? Understanding Decoupling in Response to Stakeholder Pressures , 2012 .

[51]  Hart E. Posen,et al.  An Advantage of Newness: Vicarious Learning Despite Limited Absorptive Capacity , 2012, Organ. Sci..

[52]  Markus Schimmer,et al.  Firm performance and aspiration levels as determinants of a firm’s strategic repositioning within strategic group structures , 2012 .

[53]  Christina Fang,et al.  Organizational Learning as Credit Assignment: A Model and Two Experiments , 2012, Organ. Sci..

[54]  Keld Laursen Keep searching and you’ll find: what do we know about variety creation through firms’ search activities for innovation? , 2012 .

[55]  Robert D. Austin,et al.  Accidental Innovation: Supporting Valuable Unpredictability in the Creative Process , 2012, Organ. Sci..

[56]  Vibha Gaba,et al.  Corporate Structure and Performance Feedback: Aspirations and Adaptation in M-Form Firms , 2012, Organ. Sci..

[57]  Daniel A. Levinthal,et al.  The Behavioral Theory of the Firm: Assessment and Prospects , 2012 .

[58]  Elizabeth Boyle,et al.  The Liability of Leading: Battling Aspiration and Survival Goals in the Jeopardy! Tournament of Champions , 2012, Organ. Sci..

[59]  Ilídio Barreto,et al.  A Behavioral Theory of Market Expansion Based on the Opportunity Prospects Rule , 2012, Organ. Sci..


[61]  P. Bromiley,et al.  Explaining temporal orientation: Evidence from the durability of firms' capital investments , 2012 .

[62]  Jackson A. Nickerson,et al.  Exploring the Problem-Finding and Problem-Solving Approach for Designing Organizations , 2012 .

[63]  Pino G. Audia,et al.  Self-Enhancement and Learning from Performance Feedback , 2012 .

[64]  George A. Shinkle,et al.  Organizational Aspirations, Reference Points, and Goals , 2012 .

[65]  S. Bhattacharya,et al.  Aspirations, Innovation, and Corporate Venture Capital: A Behavioral Perspective , 2011 .

[66]  Andrew Caplin,et al.  Search and Satisficing , 2011 .

[67]  R. Bettis,et al.  Adaptive aspirations: performance consequences of risk preferences at extremes and alternative reference groups , 2011 .

[68]  Jungpil Hahn,et al.  The Dynamics of the Performance-Risk Relationship Within a Performance Period: The Moderating Role of Deadline Proximity , 2011, Organ. Sci..

[69]  Henrich R. Greve,et al.  The Prince and the Pauper: Search and Brokerage in the Initiation of Status-Heterophilous Ties , 2011, Organ. Sci..

[70]  Oliver Baumann,et al.  Dealing with Complexity: Integrated vs. Chunky Search Processes , 2011, Organ. Sci..

[71]  Philip Bromiley,et al.  Cost reduction vs innovative search in R&D , 2011 .

[72]  Tanguy Brachet,et al.  On the Determinants of Organizational Forgetting , 2011 .

[73]  Daniel A. Levinthal,et al.  Chasing a Moving Target: Exploitation and Exploration in Dynamic Environments , 2011, Manag. Sci..

[74]  Antoaneta P. Petkova,et al.  Reputation and Decision Making Under Ambiguity: A Study of US Venture Capital Firms' Investments in the Emerging Clean Energy Sector , 2011 .

[75]  Kelly E. See,et al.  The Paradox of Stretch Goals: Organizations in Pursuit of the Seemingly Impossible , 2010 .

[76]  Hillary Anger Elfenbein,et al.  The Psychology of Rivalry: A Relationally Dependent Analysis of Competition , 2010 .

[77]  Philip Bromiley,et al.  Comparing Aspiration Models: The Role of Selective Attention , 2010 .

[78]  Peter M. Madsen,et al.  Failing to Learn? The Effects of Failure and Success on Organizational Learning in the Global Orbital Launch Vehicle Industry , 2010 .

[79]  Nicolaj Siggelkow,et al.  How Much to Copy? Determinants of Effective Imitation Breadth , 2010, Organ. Sci..

[80]  Henrich R. Greve,et al.  Business Group Affiliation and Firm Search Behaviour in India: Responsiveness and Focus of Attention , 2010, Organ. Sci..

[81]  M. Tushman,et al.  Exploration and Exploitation Within and Across Organizations , 2010 .

[82]  H. Greve Designing Performance Feedback Systems to Guide Learning and Manage Risk , 2010 .

[83]  Bilian Ni Sullivan,et al.  Competition and Beyond: Problems and Attention Allocation in the Organizational Rulemaking Process , 2010, Organ. Sci..

[84]  David G. Sirmon,et al.  Commanding Board of Director Attention: Investigating How Organizational Performance and CEO Duality Affect Board Members Attention to Monitoring , 2010 .

[85]  Riitta Katila,et al.  Life in the Fast Lane: Origins of Competitive Interaction in New vs. Established Markets , 2009 .

[86]  Klaus Weber,et al.  CEO Ambivalence and Responses to Strategic Issues , 2009, Organ. Sci..

[87]  Goce Andrevski,et al.  Striving toward the future: aspiration—performance discrepancies and planned organizational change , 2009 .

[88]  Hazhir Rahmandad,et al.  Effects of feedback delay on learning , 2009 .

[89]  Philip Bromiley,et al.  A Prospect Theory Model of Resource Allocation , 2009, Decis. Anal..

[90]  Mooweon Rhee,et al.  Does Reputation Contribute to Reducing Organizational Errors? A Learning Approach , 2009 .

[91]  Daniel A. Levinthal,et al.  The Near-Term Liability of Exploitation: Exploration and Exploitation in Multi-Stage Problems , 2009, Organ. Sci..

[92]  Kent D. Miller,et al.  Performance Feedback, Slack, and The Timing of Acquisitions , 2008 .

[93]  H. Barkema,et al.  Toward Unlocking The Full Potential of Acquisitions: The Role of Organizational Restructuring , 2008 .

[94]  Henrich R. Greve,et al.  Problemistic Search and (Inter‐)Organizational Learning , 2008 .

[95]  Vinit M. Desai,et al.  Constrained Growth: How Experience, Legitimacy, and Age Influence Risk Taking in Organizations , 2008, Organ. Sci..

[96]  Hazhir Rahmandad,et al.  Effect of Delays on Complexity of Organizational Learning , 2008, Manag. Sci..

[97]  Wei-Ru Chen,et al.  Determinants of Firms' Backward- and Forward-Looking R&D Search Behavior , 2008, Organ. Sci..

[98]  Henrich R. Greve,et al.  A Behavioral Theory of Firm Growth: Sequential Attention to Size and Performance Goals , 2008 .

[99]  J. Brüderl,et al.  Momentum or Deceleration? Theoretical and Methodological Reflections on the Analysis of Organizational Change , 2008 .

[100]  Daniel A. Levinthal,et al.  The Dual Role of Modularity: Innovation and Imitation , 2008, Manag. Sci..

[101]  Zur Shapira,et al.  Managerial reasoning about aspirations and expectations , 2008 .

[102]  J. Birkinshaw,et al.  Organizational Ambidexterity: Antecedents, Outcomes, and Moderators , 2008 .

[103]  Glenn B. Voss,et al.  The Effects of Slack Resources and Environmentalthreat on Product Exploration and Exploitation , 2008 .

[104]  K. Shimizu Prospect theory, behavioral theory, and the threat-rigidity thesis: Combinative effects on organizational decisions to divest formerly acquired units , 2007 .

[105]  G. Panagiotou,et al.  Reference theory: strategic groups and competitive benchmarking , 2007 .

[106]  Thomas P. Moliterno,et al.  Firm Performance, Rent Appropriation, and the Strategic Resource Divestment Capability , 2007 .

[107]  H. Greve Exploration and exploitation in product innovation , 2007 .

[108]  Toby E. Stuart,et al.  Local search and the evolution of technological capabilities , 2007 .

[109]  Daniel A. Levinthal,et al.  Myopia of Selection: Does Organizational Adaptation Limit the Efficacy of Population Selection? , 2007 .

[110]  Kristina B. Dahlin,et al.  Aspiration Performance and Railroads' Patterns of Learning from Train Wrecks and Crashes , 2007, Organ. Sci..

[111]  Kyung Min Park Antecedents of Convergence and Divergence in Strategic Positioning: The Effects of Performance and Aspiration on the Direction of Strategic Change , 2007 .

[112]  Christos N. Pitelis,et al.  A Behavioral Resource-Based View of the Firm: The Synergy of Cyert and March (1963) and Penrose (1959) , 2007, Organ. Sci..

[113]  Gino Cattani,et al.  The Value of Moderate Obsession: Insights from a New Model of Organizational Search , 2007, Organ. Sci..

[114]  Kent D. Miller,et al.  Situational and institutional determinants of firms' R&D search intensity , 2007 .

[115]  Andreas Schwab,et al.  Incremental Organizational Learning from Multilevel Information Sources: Evidence for Cross-Level Interactions , 2007, Organ. Sci..

[116]  Pino G. Audia,et al.  Reluctant to change: Self-enhancing responses to diverging performance measures , 2007, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes.

[117]  Anand Swaminathan,et al.  Entry timing, exploration, and firm survival in the early U.S. bicycle industry , 2006 .

[118]  Jared D. Harris,et al.  Incentives to Cheat: The Influence of Executive Compensation and Firm Performance on Financial Misrepresentation , 2006, Organ. Sci..

[119]  Ken G. Smith,et al.  The interplay between exploration and exploitation. , 2006 .

[120]  H. Greve,et al.  Superman or the Fantastic Four? Knowledge Combination and Experience in Innovative Teams , 2006 .

[121]  S. Kotha,et al.  Knowledge Creation Through External Venturing: Evidence from the Telecommunications Equipment Manufacturing Industry , 2006 .


[123]  Christine M. Beckman The Influence of Founding Team Company Affiliations on Firm Behavior , 2006 .

[124]  R. Baumeister,et al.  Your Money or Your Self-Esteem: Threatened Egotism Promotes Costly Entrapment in Losing Endeavors , 2006, Personality & social psychology bulletin.

[125]  Mathew L. A. Hayward,et al.  De-commitment to losing strategic action: Evidence from the divestiture of poorly performing acquisitions , 2006 .

[126]  N. Rajagopalan,et al.  The Influence of Acquisition Experience and Performance on Acquisition Behavior: Evidence From the U.S. Commercial Banking Industry , 2006 .

[127]  A. Salter,et al.  Open for innovation: the role of openness in explaining innovation performance among U.K. manufacturing firms , 2006 .

[128]  David A. Hounshell,et al.  Continual Corporate Entrepreneurial Search for Long-Term Growth , 2006, Manag. Sci..

[129]  Joel A. C. Baum,et al.  Dancing with Strangers: Aspiration Performance and the Search for Underwriting Syndicate Partners , 2005 .

[130]  A. Lewin,et al.  Innovators and imitators: Organizational reference groups and adoption of organizational routines , 2005 .

[131]  Daniel A. Levinthal,et al.  Strategy making in novel and complex worlds: the power of analogy , 2005 .

[132]  Markku V. J. Maula,et al.  Explorative and Exploitative Learning from External Corporate Ventures , 2005 .

[133]  Jan W. Rivkin,et al.  Speed and Search: Designing Organizations for Turbulence and Complexity , 2005, Organ. Sci..

[134]  W. P. Barnett,et al.  Why are Some Organizations More Competitive than Others? Evidence from a Changing Global Market , 2004 .

[135]  Gabriel Szulanski,et al.  Stickiness and the adaptation of organizational practices in cross-border knowledge transfers , 2004 .

[136]  Nelson Phillips,et al.  Remembrance of Things Past? The Dynamics of Organizational Forgetting , 2004, Manag. Sci..

[137]  Daniel A. Levinthal,et al.  From T-Mazes to Labyrinths: Learning from Model-Based Feedback , 2004, Manag. Sci..

[138]  Kyle J. Mayer,et al.  Learning to Contract: Evidence from the Personal Computer Industry , 2004, Organ. Sci..

[139]  Pamela R. Haunschild,et al.  Friends or Strangers? Firm-Specific Uncertainty, Market Uncertainty, and Network Partner Selection , 2004, Organ. Sci..

[140]  David L. Deeds,et al.  Exploration and Exploitation Alliances in Biotechnology: A System of New Product Development , 2004 .

[141]  Kent D. Miller,et al.  Variable Organizational Risk Preferences: Tests of the March-Shapira Model , 2004 .

[142]  Jack A. Nickerson,et al.  A Knowledge-based Theory of the Firm - A Problem-solving Perspective , 2004, Organ. Sci..

[143]  H. Greve A Behavioral Theory of R&D Expenditures and Innovations: Evidence from Shipbuilding , 2003 .

[144]  Henrich R. Greve,et al.  Investment and the behavioral theory of the firm: evidence from shipbuilding , 2003 .

[145]  Henrich R. Greve,et al.  Organizational Learning from Performance Feedback: A Behavioral Perspective on Innovation and Change , 2003 .

[146]  Lori Rosenkopf,et al.  Overcoming Local Search Through Alliances and Mobility , 2003, Manag. Sci..

[147]  Jan W. Rivkin,et al.  Balancing Search and Stability: Interdependencies Among Elements of Organizational Design , 2003, Manag. Sci..

[148]  James D. Westphal,et al.  Getting by with the Advice of Their Friends: CEOs' Advice Networks and Firms' Strategic Responses to Poor Performance , 2003 .

[149]  M. Feldman,et al.  Reconceptualizing Organizational Routines as a Source of Flexibility and Change , 2003 .

[150]  Jeremy C. Short,et al.  Organizational performance referents: An empirical examination of their content and influences , 2003 .

[151]  Joel A. C. Baum,et al.  It's All in the Name: Failure-Induced Learning by Multiunit Chains , 2003 .

[152]  Ya-Ru Chen,et al.  Aspiration-Level Adaptation in an American Financial Services Organization: A Field Study , 2002, Manag. Sci..

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[154]  Paul R. Carlile,et al.  A Pragmatic View of Knowledge and Boundaries: Boundary Objects in New Product Development , 2002, Organ. Sci..

[155]  Vincent L. Barker,et al.  CEO Characteristics and Firm R&D Spending , 2002, Manag. Sci..

[156]  Curtis M. Grimm,et al.  The impact of performance distress on aggressive competitive behavior: a reconciliation of conflicting views , 2002 .

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[160]  Rogelio Oliva,et al.  Cutting Corners and Working Overtime: Quality Erosion in the Service Industry , 2001, Manag. Sci..

[161]  Anne S. Miner,et al.  Organizational Improvisation and Learning: A Field Study , 2001 .

[162]  A. Nerkar,et al.  Beyond local search: boundary‐spanning, exploration, and impact in the optical disk industry , 2001 .

[163]  Joel A. C. Baum,et al.  Making the Next Move: How Experiential and Vicarious Learning Shape the Locations of Chains' Acquisitions , 2000 .

[164]  Sidney G. Winter,et al.  The satisficing principle in capability learning , 2000 .

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[166]  E. Hollander Attention, Attention! , 2000, CNS Spectrums.

[167]  Jan W. Rivkin Imitation of Complex Strategies , 2000 .

[168]  Daniel A. Levinthal,et al.  Looking Forward and Looking Backward: Cognitive and Experiential Search , 2000 .

[169]  Timothy B. Palmer,et al.  Decoupling risk taking from income stream uncertainty: a holistic model of risk , 1999 .

[170]  Henrich R. Greve,et al.  The Effect of Core Change on Performance: Inertia and Regression toward the Mean , 1999 .

[171]  David L. Deephouse,et al.  Comparing Alternative Explanations for Accounting Risk-Return Relations , 1999 .

[172]  D. B. Montgomery,et al.  Managerial Identification of Competitors , 1999 .

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[176]  Will Mitchell,et al.  The influence of local search and performance heuristics on new design introduction in a new product market , 1998 .

[177]  H. Greve Performance, Aspirations, and Risky Organizational Change , 1998 .


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[185]  M. Tushman,et al.  Ambidextrous Organizations: Managing Evolutionary and Revolutionary Change , 1996 .

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[187]  Kent D. Miller,et al.  Corporate Risk-Return Relations: Returns Variability Versus Downside Risk , 1996 .

[188]  Henrich R. Greve,et al.  Jumping Ship: The Diffusion of Strategy Abandonment , 1995 .

[189]  J. Walsh Managerial and Organizational Cognition: Notes from a Trip Down Memory Lane , 1995 .

[190]  Constance E. Helfat,et al.  Evolutionary trajectories in petroleum firm R&D , 1994 .



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