A Tension Leg Platform supporting a wind turbine was tested in combined waves, wind and current in the Offshore Basin of MARIN. The wind turbine loads were simulated in two ways for these tests. Firstly, the wind turbine was modelled by a physical wind turbine following the approach of performance scaling. This approach intends to scale down the wind, the wind turbine inertia, the rotation speed of the rotor according to Froude’s scaling laws while it keeps the thrust that is representative of the considered wind turbine. The Marin Stock Wind Turbine (MSWT) was used in these tests. Secondly, the wind turbine was replaced by a system actuating the wind turbine loads in which the aerodynamic loads are calculated by a numerical code and applied through a system of winches to a frame mounted on the floater. Lift and drag coefficients of the blades of the MSWT were used by the computer program during these tests. The TLP was tested with both techniques for the same environmental conditions. Tests were done in waves, wind and current with the two techniques in the same basin, enabling an objective comparison of these two methods. The experimental results of both methods are analyzed and compared to each other in this study.