US/UK Advanced Short Takeoff and Vertical Landing program (ASTOVL)
Both the U.S. and the UK have substantial technology bases from past and current R and D programs, a common background of service experience and, potentially, much common interest in the future use of advanced STOVL combat aircraft. Equally interested in the operational advantages of the short takeoff and vertical landing capability of combat aircraft, combined with supersonic and high agility performance, the U.S. and the UK have agreed to collaborate on ASTOVL research underwritten by a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) (1986) between the two governments. The paper describes the aims and provisions of the MOU, gives the results of studies, illustrates the technology development underway, and outlines the future ASTOVL technology program. Particular attention is given to concept studies on advanced vectored thrust, the ejector augmentor, the hybrid tandem fan, and the remote augmented lift system.