c+GAN: Complementary Fashion Item Recommendation

We present a conditional generative adversarial model to draw realistic samples from paired fashion clothing distribution and provide real samples to pair with arbitrary fashion units. More concretely, given an image of a shirt, obtained from a fashion magazine, a brochure or even any random click on ones phone, we draw realistic samples from a parameterized conditional distribution learned as a conditional generative adversarial network ($c^+$GAN) to generate the possible pants which can go with the shirt. We start with a classical cGAN model as proposed by Mirza and Osindero [arXiv:1411.1784] and modify both the generator and discriminator to work on captured-in-the-wild data with no human alignment. We gather a dataset from web crawled data, systematically develop a method which counters the problems inherent to such data, and finally present plausible results based on our technique. We propose simple ideas to evaluate how these techniques can conquer the cognitive gap that exists when arbitrary clothing articles need to be paired with another relevant article, based on similarity of search results.

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