Remote sensing applications in meteorology and climatology

1 Cloud Formations Seen by Satellite.- 2 Factors Affecting Feature Differentiation: The Impact and Source of Variance in the Upwelling Radiance Field.- 3 The Physical Principles Controlling the Remote Sensing Process.- 4 Sensors to Record Atmospheric and Terrestrial Information: Principles of Collection and Analysis.- 5 Data Reception, Archiving and Distribution.- 6 Microwave Instruments and Methods.- 7 Image Processing, Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence.- Operational Applications.- 8 Vertical Sounding from Satellite.- 9 The Impact of Satellite Data on Global Numerical Weather Prediction.- 10 Use of Radar and Satellite Imagery for the Measurement and Short-Term Prediction of Rainfall in the United Kingdom.- Research Applications.- 11 The Application of Remote Sensing Data in Atmospheric Chemistry.- 12 Studies of Synoptic and Mesoscale Atmospheric Features from Satellites.- 13 The Visualisation of the Ceaseless Atmosphere.- 14 Information Extraction from Meteorological Satellite Image Sequences.- 15 Cloud Motion Analysis of Cyclones within Cold Air Masses.- 16 Multispectral Classification of Cloud, Fog and Haze.- Air-Sea Interactions.- 17 The Ocean and the Atmosphere.- 18 Remote Sensing of Sea-Surface Winds.- Climatology.- 19 Cloud Climatologies from Space and Applications to Climate Modelling.- 20 Climatology from Space: Data Sets for Climate Monitoring and Climate Modelling.- 21 Surface Energy Budget, Surface Temperature and Thermal Inertia.- Future Systems.- 22 The Along-track Scanning Radiometer with Microwave Sounder.- 23 Plans for ERS-1 Data Acquisition, Processing and Distribution.- 24 Remote Sensing in the Space Station and Columbus Programmes.- Colour Section.- List of Participants.