Geophysical Surveys At the Idaho National Engineering Lab's Radioactive Waste Management Complex Acid Pit
Thepitbou~wasinterpfet&i?omthe ELfwndu&iity&faasa boundatyof fncn?aWm. 77t8lme4pr8t8d&8ofh8pWessma/Whanth8 histodo sfze. This disaepancy may have been due to the sloping of the pit wells end/oraoonoen~lllonoflhehigh~materiel(sdd)in~central porbionof(hepit~wesnogeophysicelevidence~o~~Ihepresenceof a 3,owgaNon taok. A ma@?& anon&y, psssfbfy due lo a fank, matched the modeledrssponseofen~ofa~~lsow.AA~sectionofapperent ~~~rmscons~~hwnv~spacedEMconducfivi(ydatetoa depthof ~xknatafy 50 m8f8rs, andsugg8sMd that the solvent (ado) may have migrated beneath the origk?af base of the pit.