Jet Propulsion Laboratory has developed a new 512 X 512 high-speed grayscale optical correlator (GOC) for real-time automatic target recognition (ATR) applications. As compared with a previous developed 128 X 128 grayscale optical correlator, the utilization of a pair of high-resolution input spatial light modulator (SLM) has increased the input field of view by 16 times. The use of a matching high- resolution filter SLM has increased the sharpness of the correlation peak. Key features of this GOC include: a grayscale input SLM (Kopin 640 X 480, 8-bit) to accommodate direct interface with the input imaging sensor. A real-valued (bipolar-amplitude) filter SLM (512 X 512, 4-bit) to enable use of a MACH (Maximum Average Correlation Height) composite correlation filter algorithm, compact and portable. This GOC architecture has greatly improve the system complexity by removing the need of preprocessing (binarization) the input, and the powerful MACH composite filter has greatly reduced the number of filter templates. In this paper, the criterion of selection of both input and filter SLM will be discussed. System analysis of building a compact correlator will also be provided. Experimental ATR verification of the 512 X 512 GOC will also be illustrated.
Tien-Hsin Chao,et al.
Practical filter dynamic range compression for grayscale optical correlator using bipolar-amplitude SLM
SPIE Defense + Commercial Sensing.
Tien-Hsin Chao,et al.
MACH filter synthesizing for detecting targets in cluttered environment for grayscale optical correlator
Defense, Security, and Sensing.
Abhijit Mahalanobis.
Correlation filters for object tracking, target reacquisition, and smart aim-point selection
Defense, Security, and Sensing.
B. V. Vijaya Kumar,et al.
Unconstrained correlation filters.
Applied optics.
Tien-Hsin Chao,et al.
Automatic target recognition field demonstration using a grayscale optical correlator
Defense, Security, and Sensing.