Seismic Vulnerability of Reinforced Concrete Building Based on the Development of Fragility Curve: A Case Study
This study aims to determine the seismic vulnerability of 5th Building of Engineering Faculty, Sebelas Maret University by developing its fragility curves. Fragility curve is a measure of probabilistic seismic performance under various ground motion. The intensity of ground motion adopted in this study is median spectral displacement, , with lognormal standard deviation, βds as uncertainty parameter. The value of lognormal standard deviation is adopted from HAZUS. The parameters of median spectral displacements are identified from the capacity spectrum curve. The capacity curve obtained from non-linear static pushover analysis. Capacity curves can be converted into capacity spectrum to identify the location of the median spectral displacement at various damage states. The obtained fragility curves provide information on the probability of various damage states to occur when certain ground motion level strikes the building under study.