Diagnosis of Psychopathology using Clustering and Rule Extraction using Rough Set

Psychopathology is a mental stress that tells the level of mental retardation. It is the study of mental illness or mental distress the manifestation of behavior and experience which may indicate the psychological impairment. It is crucial to identify and take necessary action at earlier stage which will improve the quality of life. Psychopathology can be diagnosed using psychometric intelligence scale test i.e. WISC-R and WAIS-R (Wechsler Intelligent Scale Test for Children and Adult) test. An accurate clustering algorithm helps for correct rehabilitation. Soft computing techniques are proposed to apply at different stages of diagnosis. Under data preprocessing Expectation Maximization algorithm is applied for handling missing data. DensityBasedClustering Algorithm gives better result than other clustering algorithm. Outlier analysis is also applied for wrong clusters. For better accuracy in classification, extracting classification rule using Rough Set theory plays a vital role.