自贸区外商投资负面清单制度的法律探析 The Legal Analysis on the Negative List System of Foreign Investment in Free Trade Zone
在国际投资领域,负面清单越来越受到青睐,中国自贸区的负面清单也因此在2013年应运而生,与传统的管理模式相比较,负面清单体现出巨大的进步性。但是,从2013年开始负面清单的适用过程出陆续浮现一些问题。本文通过介绍负面清单、准入前国民待遇的概念以及负面清单的法理依据,简述了自贸区内负面清单实施的现状,进而剖析了自贸区负面清单目前所面临的问题,最后提出了完善措施,力求促进自贸区负面清单管理体制的运行,推动我国外商投资准入体制的改革。 In the field of international investment, the negative list is getting more and more popular. Chi-nese FTA negative list also came into being in 2013, compared with the traditional management model, the negative list reflects the great progress. However, from the beginning of 2013, the ap-plication of negative list has emerged some problems. This paper starts with the concept of the negative list, pre-establishment national treatment and legal basis of negative list; Then gives a brief analysis of the change and present situation of negative list in FTA; Next illustrates the problem of negative list in FTA. Finally, based on the current situation proposed some available suggestions to propel negative list system and promote the foreign investment admission system construction.