폐비닐골재를 사용하는 아스팔트 콘크리트의 물리적 성질
PURPOSES : In this study, various laboratory tests were performed to investigate basic physical properties of the asphalt concrete which uses wasted vinyl aggregates. METHODS : The thermal conductivity, ultrasonic velocity, Marshall stability, flow, indirect tensile strength were measured according to binder content and wasted vinyl aggregate content. An experimental construction was performed to verify construct ability of the asphalt pavement using the wasted vinyl aggregates. RESULTS : The thermal conductivity and ultrasonic velocity decreased showing insulation effect by mixing more wasted vinyl aggregate, whereas stability and flow increased. The void ratio shows similar value regardless of the mixing ratio. The highest indirect tensile strength was measured at 2.5% of wasted vinyl aggregate content. The construct ability was verified by observing the process of mixing, placing, and compaction and the state of the pavement surface. CONCLUSIONS : The basic properties and construct ability of the asphalt concrete using the wasted vinyl aggregates were verified. The temperature according to pavement depth will be measured to verify the insulation effect of the wasted vinyl aggregates. In addition, amount of snowfall, snowmelt area, and ice adhesion strength will be analyzed quantitively.