Citation recognition for scientific publications in digital libraries

A method based on part-of-speech tagging (PoS) is used for bibliographic reference structure. This method operates on a roughly structured ASCII file, produced by OCR. Because of the heterogeneity of the reference structure, the method acts in a bottom-up way, without an a priori model, gathering structural elements from basic tags to subfields and fields. Significant tags are first grouped in homogeneous classes according to their categories and then reduced in canonical forms corresponding to record fields: "authors", "title", "conference name", "date", etc. Nonlabeled tokens are integrated in one or another field by either applying PoS correction rules or using a interor intra-field model generated from well-detected records. The designed prototype operates with a great satisfaction on different record layouts and character recognition qualities. Without manual intervention, 96.6% words are correctly attributed, and about 75,9% references are completely segmented from 2,575 references.