Methoden und Anwendungen der statistischen Prozeß- und Qualitätskontrolle im chemischen Betrieb†

Methodology and applications of statistical process and quality control in chemical plant. Statistical process and quality control, known respectively as SPC and SQC, presently command considerably attention. Originating with buyers of chemical products, the vocabulary and methodology of this area of expertise are increasingly entering the chemical plant. Appropriate use of these techniques is considered in the present article. A brief presentation of the philosophy of quality assurance in production using the methods of SPC and SQC is followed by a terse explanation of the goals and techniques of SPC/SQC. The applicability of the methods to process engineering is a special problem. Questions of the necessary adaptation and introduction into the conventional procedures of process control are discussed. Instrumentalization of plant with digital process controllers provides a framework for implementation of integrated solutions of such quality assurance systems in production. This is explained with the aid of examples.