Control Effectiveness of a Jet-Slender Body Combination at Hypersonic Speeds

The effects of jet control on the aerodynamic characteristics, performance, and stability of a 5-deg semiangle slender conemissilecone guration arestudied. Tests were made in theCrane eld University College of Aeronautics hypersonicgun tunnelusingboth sharp and blunted cones. Thestudywasconducted at a Mach number of 8.2and a Reynolds number of 392 700, based on base diameter, at pitch angles of 15 to 15 deg. The boundary layer was laminar.Airwasusedastheworkinggasforboththefreestreamandthesonicjet.Thetestsemployedschlierenphotographytostudytheoveralle owe eld.Quantitativestudiesoftheeffect of thejethavebeenmadebypressuremeasurements.Theforcesweremeasured withathree-component balanceequippedwith semiconductorstraingauges.