Constructing an enzyme-centric view of metabolism

MOTIVATION The current paradigm for viewing metabolism, such as the Boehringer Chart or KEGG, takes a metabolite-centric view that is not ideal for genomics analysis because the same enzyme can appear in multiple places. Therefore an enzyme-centric view is also required. RESULTS We have eliminated synonymous compound names taken from the ENZYME database ensuring that it is computationally parseable at all levels. Based on these results, we have written a software to create enzyme-centric graphs from reaction data, and we have created a second dataset with hub molecules removed, allowing a greater depth of information to be extracted from these graphs. We also present a detailed analysis of the various stages of the reconditioning process and the characteristics of the subgraphs resulting from the application of our software to the revised datasets. AVAILABILITY Complete datasets and supplementary material may be downloaded from The software for the creation of enzyme-centric graphs from reaction data is available on request from the authors.