Computer simulations show that the strong angular dependence exhibited by proton-induced single-event latch-up can be explained by a simple mechanism. Latch-up occurs if, and only if, more than some threshold amount of energy is deposited within the sensitive volume. A procedure for determining the SEU (single event upset) parameters by comparing SEU cross sections and CUPID simulations at different incident energies and angles of incidence is described. The thickness of the sensitive volume and the value of the critical charge determined for the NEC 4464, a 64-kb CMOS SRAM (static random-access memory) agrees with the measured thickness of the p-well and the value of the threshold LET (linear energy transfer) determined using heavy ions. >
T. Goka,et al.
The on-orbit measurements of single event phenomena by ETA-V spacecraft
W.J. Beauvais,et al.
SEU parameters and proton-induced upsets
RADECS 93. Second European Conference on Radiation and its Effects on Components and Systems (Cat. No.93TH0616-3).
L. Adams,et al.
A verified proton induced latch-up in space (CMOS SRAM)
Peter J. McNulty,et al.
Proton-Induced Nuclear Reactions in Silicon
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science.
P. J. McNulty,et al.
Proton induced spallation reactions