Coupled Thermal-Structural Analysis of the Combustor Assembly of 200kW Micro Gas Turbine Engine

Abstract In this study, the thermal-structural behavior of the combustor assembly of 200 kW micro gas turbine system was performed. The typical combustor assembly consists of a Liner, Inner & Outer Case, Burner and Nozzlering, etc. There are some gaps and friction elements between the components to compensate for the different thermalexpansions of various components. Therefore, the developed finite element model includes nonlinear elements. The boundary support conditions of the combustor assembly significantly affect the stress distribution due to the high temperature gradient. This paper deals with parametric studies to quantitatively determine the effects of the variationof the support conditions on the stress distribution and deformation of various components of combustor assembly.These results may be useful for the design of the combustor assembly. Key Words : Micro Gas Turbine, Combustor, Thermal Stress, Elastic Support 본 연구는 미래창조과학부 재원으로 한국에너지기술평가원(KETEP)의 지원으로 수행되었음 (과제번호 : 20142010102780)