Thresholds and the temperature of the Reggeon field theory
Abstract The effects of “low energy” dynamics in the form of thresholds are studied in a modified Reggeon field theory (RFT). A threshold parameter b introduced into the bare RFT propagator G0 through the prescription G0 = exp (−bj) (j − α0)−1 is explicitly shown to introduce thresholds of RFT graphs at ln s = Nb, N being a graph dependent integer. The more complex “realistic” bare propagator G 0 λ = exp (−bj) {(j − α − λ 2 exp (−Bj)} −1 corresponds physically to non-diffractive renormalization of a “totally bare” trajectory at j = α (e.g. produced by pion clusters) via new quantum number production (S, B, C) with model threshold parameter B and coupling λ. We discuss qualitatively the relation between these parameters, the average rapidity 〈ln si〉 across a bare propagator, and the bare Pomeron intercept which is directly related to the analog of statistical mechanics temperature T of the RFT. It is argued that these parameters can influence the asymptotic behavior of the RFT as well as its finite energy behavior, consistent with universality.
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