How to Train Your DRAGAN

Generative Adversarial Networks have emerged as an effective technique for estimating data distributions. The basic setup consists of two deep networks playing against each other in a zero-sum game setting. However, it is not understood if the networks reach an equilibrium eventually and what dynamics makes this possible. The current GAN training procedure, which involves simultaneous gradient descent, lacks a clear game-theoretic justification in the literature. In this paper, we introduce regret minimization as a technique to reach equilibrium in games and use this to justify the success of simultaneous GD in GANs. In addition, we present a hypothesis that mode collapse, which is a common occurrence in GAN training, happens due to the existence of spurious local equilibria in non-convex games. Motivated by these insights, we develop an algorithm called DRAGAN that is fast, simple to implement and achieves competitive performance in a stable fashion across different architectures (150 random setups), datasets (MNIST, CIFAR-10, and CelebA), and divergence measures with almost no hyperparameter tuning. We show significant improvements over the recently proposed Wasserstein GAN variants.

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