End-of-Life Vehicle Dismantling and Recycling Enterprises: Developing Directions in China

End-of-life vehicle (ELV) dismantling and recycling enterprises are the final disposer of the life-cycle process of vehicles. ELV collecting, dismantling technology, and waste disposal directly affect the recovery rate and the friendliness of vehicles toward the environment. China law stipulates that, by 2017, the recovery rate of vehicles should not be less than 95%, and the recycling rate of materials should not be less than 85%. Therefore, knowing the practical running state of such enterprises is needed. This study investigated four ELV dismantling and recycling enterprises in the Yangzi delta district in China and surveyed the ELV collecting, dismantling technology, policy implementation, and running difficulties. After the comparison with the developed countries, the relevant experiences were drawn, and effective measures were put forward to meet the aims stipulated in the law based on the current practical ELV market in China.