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users to the core functions to start. A brief tour video can be accessed from With Omeka, you can build collections, visual archives, and display interactive exhibits. Omeka also allows user to easily change the look and feel of a site. It comes with themes and plugins with extended features, such as an exhibit builder, dropbox plugin, DocsViewer plugin, geolocation plugin, and Image Annotation plugin. Omeka uses an unqualified Dublin Core metadata standard. It is built via Aend framework for PHP which allows customization and flexibility. It can handle large files but requires that the user has his or her own server. Omeka has strong community and documentation support. Omeka supports a variety of data output formats as well as data migration tools such as OAI-Harvester, CSV, EAD, and Zotero importer plugins. Users can re-purpose content by entering item metadata once and then use items and metadata in multiple instances. Omeka’s plugin APIs makes the development of plugins possible as well. Showcase examples can be found at A more updated list of Omeka sites can be accessed via the Omeka wiki page at Powered_by_Omeka. The Documentation for Omeka is on the page http:// Omeka Forums can be very helpful as well. Rating: 4 out of 5