Chapter 17 An Energy Data Base for GTAP

For energy, as with agriculture, we prepare a special data set not just to supplement data from sectorgeneric sources (as we use the agricultural data set to disaggregate input-output (I-O) tables; see chapter 12) but to override them. This special treatment arises from users’ concern about apparent divergences of energy data in earlier GTAP releases from International Energy Agency (IEA) data (see, e.g., Babiker and Rutherford, 1997). To address these concerns, we prepare an energy data set from IEA and other energy-oriented data, covering energy flows, prices, and taxes, and use it to modify the I-O (chapter 11), protection (chapter 16), and trade (chapter 15) data. Also special to energy is the inclusion in the GTAP data set not only of money value data but also of volume data. Supplementing the core money value flows, we provide a separate file of I-O and international trade flows measured in millions of tonnes of oil equivalent (MTOE). In this chapter, we describe the preparation of the GTAP energy data set (EDS). In the course of constructing the trade component of that data set, we modify the GTAP trade data set. In the energy data set, we include tax data, that later procedures (chapter 19) use instead of the main protection data set in handling energy sectors. We also include targets for money values of energy flows, used by later procedures to modify the I-O data. Although, in the main, the energy data set overrides the I-O data, in a few cases we find it necessary to adjust energy data for compatibility with the I-O data, as explained in chapter 19. Furthermore, since the source data specific to the energy data set are incomplete, we draw on the GTAP protection, I-O, and trade data sets as supplementary data inputs into construction of the energy data set.