MARTe2 embedded signal processing unit for the ITER magnetics diagnostics

By leveraging the performances achievable combining MARTe2 framework and ARMv8 platforms, the approach presented in this contribution suggests a way to the rapid development of signal processing units. The approach is finalized to the realisation of devices which will be employed on the magnetics diagnostics of ITER, the nuclear fusion experimental site in construction in France. The paper retraces the steps and procedures followed to successfully port the MARTe2 framework on the Ultrascale platform. As the employed Ultrascale platform shares the CPU unit with the Raspberry Pi embedded platform, the achieved collateral was to also have MARTe2 running on a low cost and easily reachable computing unit.As the MARTe2 framework represents a solid and scalable framework for the development of real-time control systems applications, its porting may become valuable for the field of industrial automation. Moreover, its current structure and the posed porting challenges may become interesting in the field of applied computer science and industrial electronics engineering.The need to port MARTe2 on the specific platform, with onboard ARMv8 and FPGA are present, is dictated by the need of a configurable, non firmware-bound, platform where the FPGA processing power is flanked by the MARTe2 features, especially on configurability and signal processing offer.