The study concerning the total somatic cells counting (SCC) from the sheep milk collected from conventional and organic farms shows the following aspects:
The milk from conventional farms with different milking sheep effectives (10-50 heads; 51-100; 101-300; 301-500), contains between 98,000 and 5 millions SC/mL. The share of the samples with under 500,000 SC/mL (corresponding milk), was of 21.90%, bigger in small farms and smaller in big farms (31.20%, 12.60%, respectively).
The share of the satisfactory milk samples (500,000 – 1,000,000 SC/mL) was 29.45% in average, and 29.83% for those which are on the limit of processing (1 – 2 millions SC/mL). The samples with over 2,000,000 SC/mL milk, of very low quality, recorded an average of 18.82%, and led to prejudices in its processing.
The milk collected from farms in conversion or organic certified have a slight better technological quality (20-24% samples under 500,000 CS/mL and only 14-17% samples with over 2,000,000 CS/mL). This is not determined by the rearing system with a more serious technological flow.