대형 Community 건물의 연료전지 구동 지열원 히트펌프 냉ㆍ난방 시스템 성능에 관한 해석적 연구
In the present study, fuel cell driven ground source heat pump system is applied to a large community building and performance of the heat pump system is computationally analyzed. Conduction heat transfer between brine pipe and ground is analyzed by TEACH code to predict the performance of heat pump system. Predicted COP of the heat pump system and the energy cost were compared with variation of the location of the objective building the water saturation rate of soil and the driven powers of heat pump system. Significant reduction of energy cost can be accomplished by employing the fuel cell driven heat pump system in comparison with the late-night electricity driven system. It is due to the low electricity production cost of fuel cell system and the application of recovered waste heat generated during electricity production process to the heating of large community building.