The advancement of learning : a reproduction of the copy in the British Library owned by Charles I

150 p. First published as "The tvvoo bookes of Francis Bacon, of the proficience and aduancement of learning, diuine and humane. To the King. At London: Printed for Henrie Tomes [...] 1605" Text based on G.W. Kitchin's 1861 edition. Paragraph sections according to J. Spedding's 1854 edition. Page numbering of J. Spedding's 1854 edition has been added in square brackets [ ] in the following manner: to avoid word separation, page numbers precede words that were separated in the original edition. Chapter and section numerals of W.A. Wright's 1869 edition have been included. Paragraph sections in Spedding's 1854 edition that were apparently omitted in Kitchin's 1861 edition and disregarded in Wright's 1869 textual analysis are marked as omissions [--]. Greek words and sentences have been enclosed within pointed brackets and will be rendered as Greek characters with appropriate True Type Fonts like Scholars Press' Ionic (SPIONIC). All quotations have been capitalized. Spedding's marginal titles and italics within the text had to be omitted as well as his tables. Please consult recent editions for translations and references for Bacon's quotations.