Algorithm 627: A FORTRAN subroutine for solving Volterra integral equations
This paper, a sequel to [l], is intended to describe the basic operation of a subroutine, VEl, that implements the method described in [l]. In this regard, it is important to note that the referee has reported some errors in [l]; the needed corrections are made in the Appendix, listing of the actual computer programs. The listing of a FORTRAN IV computer program has been tested extensively on the computer at the Department of Mathematics, University of Arizona. This computer is a l&bit, stack-oriented Data General Eclipse S/230 with 32K words of user-accessible memory. Because of the small word size the examples run on the Eclipse were clone in double precision, and the existence of the run-time stack required the local variables to be saved through the STATIC statement. All output was sent to Device No. 5. It is important to note that the subroutine VEl requires an integral equation of either the form
[1] F. Grund. Forsythe, G. E. / Malcolm, M. A. / Moler, C. B., Computer Methods for Mathematical Computations. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey 07632. Prentice Hall, Inc., 1977. XI, 259 S , 1979 .
[2] Michael A. Malcolm,et al. Computer methods for mathematical computations , 1977 .
[3] L. Shampine,et al. Computer solution of ordinary differential equations : the initial value problem , 1975 .