Protecting the nanotechnology workforce: a new protocol for characterization of filter-captured nanomaterials from occupational exposure assessments
The most significant hurdle holding back exposure science, risk assessment, and the development of safety guidelines for the nanotechnology workforce is the lack of validated analytical techniques that accurately identify and characterize engineered nanomaterials (ENMs) captured in occupational settings. The associated costs, time, and lack of standardization of existing methods make it impossible for industries to implement exposure assessment programs or comply with new or forthcoming recommended exposure limits for ENMs. This research team seeks to advance the state of the science by developing and testing a new protocol for analysis of ENMs on filters by: further developing a novel hyperspectral imaging (HSI) method for highthroughput screening; evolving best-known methods for direct visualization of filter-captured ENMs by developing and incorporating advanced techniques into the new protocol; and testing the new protocol on real-world samples obtained during occupational exposure scenarios.