Handbook of systems analysis : cases
An Overview of the Systems Analysis Process (H. Miser). An Introduction to the Cases and the Variety They Exemplify (H. Miser). Icebreaking Operations in the Northern Baltic (L. Jennergren, et al.). Managing Eutrophication in Lake Balaton (L. Somlyody). Planning the Netherlands' Water Resources (B. Goeller & PAWN Team). Implementing Innovative Work Schedules for the New York City Sanitation Department (J. Mechling). Balancing a University Budget (W. Massy & D. Hopkins). Israeli Gambles with History: The Lavi Combat Airplane and the Peace Process with the PLO (Y. Dror). Approaching the Problems of Worldwide Sustainable Development (R. Shaw, et al.). Organizing and Managing a Systems Analysis Study (B. Goeller, et al.). Appendix. Indexes.