Regionale Verteilung technologieorientierter Unternehmensgründungen

During the last years more and more discussions came up about the contribution of technology-oriented and technology-intensive industries for the economic development and employment. This paper examines the foundation dynamic and the regional clustering of various technology-oriented sectors in West-Germany from 1983 until 1993 on the basis of a firm specific data set from the greatest German Credit Rating Agency (Verband der Vereine Creditreform, VVC). The development of the number of foundations in various technology-intensive industries show high growth rates during the early eighties and after reunification in 1989. On the other side it becomes obvious that there's a severe decline in these sectors after 1991. Another result is that a regional clustering of new technology-based firms becomes obvious. This clustering can be recognised in and around the big areas of industrial concentration like Munich and the Ruhr Valley.