Implementing advanced service technology in the public sector: an exploratory study of the relevance and limitations of insights from private sector manufacturing technology implementation

This research examined (1) to what extent a conceptual model derived from research into advanced manufacturing technology (AMT) implementations offers explanatory insight for a public sector organisation implementing advanced service technology, and (2) how, if at all, the experiences of a specific public sector implementation (the implementation of digital news production at the Swedish State Broadcaster (SVT)) suggest modifications/extensions to the AMT-based conceptual model. The research generated three conclusions. First, synthesising the extant private sector AMT literature produced a concise conceptual model of the factors that underpin success: top management support; technology-organisational adaptation; and training people. Analysis suggests that this private sector, manufacturing-derived model provided strong explanatory insight for this public sector service delivery example. Second, current implementation theory underplays the role played by different types of employee. Some (specific groups (e.g., professionals) have additional power and status and in many public sector organisations they play a central role in delivering services. This inevitably means that they have a disproportionate opportunity to subvert any implementation process. Third, the maturity and specific functionality of the technological resources in the SVT case acted in combination to deliver significant public value. The article concludes with some implications for practice and suggestions for further work.

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