Development of an enhanced recovery protocol after laser ablation surgery protocol: a preliminary analysis.

Background Enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) programs are a model of care that aim to improve patient outcomes, reduce complications, and facilitate recovery while reducing healthcare-associated costs and admission length. While such programs have been developed in other surgical subspecialties, there have yet to be guidelines published specifically for laser interstitial thermal therapy (LITT). Here we describe the first multidisciplinary ERAS preliminary protocol for LITT for the treatment of brain tumors. Methods Between the years 2013 and 2021, 184 adult patients consecutively treated with LITT at our single institution were retrospectively analyzed. During this time, a series of pre, intra, and postoperative adjustments were made to the admission course and surgical/anesthesia workflow with the goal of improving recovery and admission length. Results The mean age at surgery was 60.7 years with a median preoperative Karnofsky performance score of 90 ± 13. Lesions were most commonly metastases (50%) and high-grade gliomas (37%). The mean length of stay was 2.4 days, with the average patient being discharged 1.2 days after surgery. There was an overall readmission rate of 8.7% with a LITT-specific readmission rate of 2.2%. Three of 184 patients required repeat intervention in the perioperative period, and there was one perioperative mortality. Conclusions This preliminary study shows the proposed LITT ERAS protocol to be a safe means of discharging patients on postoperative day 1 while preserving outcomes. Although future prospective work is needed to validate this protocol, results show the ERAS approach to be promising for LITT.