Decency the Idea and Improve the Teaching's Way about the grammar Teaching of the Middle school

There are more and more questions about the grammar teaching of the middle school .For solve the confusion about the acquaintance ,we must investigate the three questions:the first ,why teach;the second,what teach;the third,how to teach.We think,the purpose of the grammar teaching of the middle school is to make students acquaint the Chinese scientificly and improve their ability or understanding and applicating language.When choicing the teaching's contents,we should insist some principles:the first,choice the grammar's basic contents;the second,choice the most functional knowledge;the third,choice the grammar phenomenon which students always make wrong;the forth,choice the contents which are good to training good babits of grammar exercises.When we choice the teaching's way,we must pay attention to the two aspects:the first,combine the static grammar teaching and the mobile grammar teaching;the second,transfer student's studying grammar's active ability and ballsy ability.