The present situation of the simulation techniques in man-machine system

The present situation of the simulation techniques in man-machine system is described. As many articles have certainly not defined the word “simulation” in any rigorous ways, this article make clear the signification of the word. For instence, similarity that the representation is in some sense “like” the real thing and nonidentity that the representation is not the real thing are nessesary condition of the simulation. As a consequence of these, the simulation may be used to predict performance in the real world. In view of this, examples of simulations is quoted from a large literature, the concept of the simulation is constructed and indicates the system that have applicability and feasibility of simulation studies.In the man-machine system, the used of simulation is broken down into specific categories and a discussion of all of the categories listed is described to indicate advance in simulation is each of the areas. For examples, Monte-Carlo method of human tracking behaviour, stocastic model of human tracking and simulation of perception of human and driver behaviour on a head on collision of car is discussed.