Acute Idiopathic Pulmonary Haemosiderosis

facts which also point to the occurrence of a hyperstimulative effect during employment. Relationt to the Reticulo-endothelial System.--The character of the abnormal cells observed-young forms of the monocyte-suggests that these are being produced by the reticulo-endothelial system under the influence of hyperstimulation. The hyperstimulation would account also for the increased output of lymphocytes from the reticuloendothelial cells of the lymph glands. Inhalation of Radioactive Dust.-While it is possible, taking into account the human factor, and in spite of the facilities provided and prohibitions enforced, that careless luminizers may have ingested small amounts of luminous compound or that they may have inhaled a certain amount of radon, it seems more probable, from a study of their working conditions and from estimations of the radon content of the air in luminizing departments, that the inhalation of dust contaminated with dried luminous compound was the chief source of any radioactive material being introduced in small amounts into the body.