고층아파트 건축물 창유리의 내풍 안전성

A lot of users of high-rise apartment buildings install windows in veranda to have more space. One of the roles of veranda is to reduce the damage from window debris when typhoons attacks. Those windows in veranda are being designed not considering wind pressure. This paper presents post disaster investigation of high-rise apartment window damages and why some specific buildings had more window damages. Wind-tunnel tests using pressure models were conducted in the boundary layer wind tunnel to investigate wind-induced interference effects. The distribution of wind pressure on apartment building walls were investigated. Test results and Code results were also compared and discussed. Test results showed that generally wind pressures from wind-tunnel tests are a little smaller than those in Codes but in some specific wind direction the wind tunnel test results are larger than those in Code. This is because the wind-induced interference effects occurred among the building groups.