시멘트산업의 온실가스 배출저감 시나리오 분석

This study examines greenhouse gas reduction potentials in cement manufacturing industry of Korea. An energy system model in the MARKAL (MARKet ALlocation) modeling framework was used in order to identify appropriate energy technologies and to quantify their possible implications in terms of greenhouse gas reduction. The model is characterized as mathematical tool for the long term energy system analysis provides an useful informations on technical assessment. Four scenarios are developed that covers the time span from 2000 to 2020. Being technology as a fundamental driving factor of the evolution of energy systems, it is essential to study the basic mechanisms of technological change and its role in developing more efficient, productive and clean energy systems. For this reasons, the learning curves on technologies for greenhouse gas reduction is specially considered. The analysis in this study shows that it is not easy to mitigate greenhouse gas with low cost in cement manufacturing industry under the current cap and trade method of Kyoto protocol.