The Identification of the Operator's Systems Images Using the Method of the Phase Portrait

Paper present a model of carrier personnel from experimental results. Model consists of two components such as a trend equation and the distribution of deviations from trend data. Trend equation is analytic function with mixed polynomial degree. Rejection levels are approximated by Rayleigh distribution law. Both models provide a system for objective assessments identifying personnel. There is used one of the methods of Nonlinear Dynamics, namely the method of phase portrait, enabled by the new present dynamics of operator activities. Using statistical methods based on linear paradigm, the dynamics of the object of study trend of time series. However, by using a trend, we actually get the dynamics it is index-time processing operator image test and time choice and decision. This says nothing about the functional state of an object, i.e., the person of the operator. The use of method of phase portrait presents changes in the functional state of the system in the form of a sequence of fragments of the phase trajectory-quasi cycles.