Ab initio symplectic no-core shell model

The no-core shell model (NCSM) is a prominent ab initio method that yields a good description of the low-lying states in few-nucleon systems as well as in more complex p-shell nuclei. Nevertheless, its applicability is limited by the rapid growth of the many-body basis with larger model spaces and increasing number of nucleons. The symplectic no-core shell model (Sp-NCSM) aspires to extend the scope of the NCSM beyond the p-shell region by augmenting the conventional spherical harmonic oscillator basis with the physically relevant symplectic symmetry-adapted configurations of the symplectic shell model that describe naturally the monopole?quadrupole vibrational and rotational modes, and also partially incorporate ?-cluster correlations. In this review, the models underpinning the Sp-NCSM approach, namely, the NCSM, the Elliott SU(3) model and the symplectic shell model, are discussed. Following this, a prescription for constructing translationally invariant symplectic configurations in the spherical harmonic oscillator basis is given. This prescription is utilized to unveil the extent to which symplectic configurations enter into low-lying states in 12C and 16O nuclei calculated within the framework of the NCSM with the JISP16 realistic nucleon?nucleon interaction. The outcomes of this proof-of-principle study are presented in detail.

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